Best RKO counter ever?
Last night on Monday Night RAW, former NXT sensation Keith Lee and the Legend Killer Randy Orton faced off in their third match against each other.
The actual match itself was lukewarm, another repeat of their previous encounters. Orton played his usual mind games which led to some big spots in the match. We have been overexposed to these two fighting each other at this point but the real reason this match existed was to spotlight an enraged Drew McIntyre getting his continued revenge on Orton after being punt kick numerous times.
One gem we were able to get from this match however was an unusual counter from Orton’s patented RKO.
As you can see Lee simply just sits on the RKO and refuse to go down which gave us a top tier expression from Orton which is going in his vast GIF collection.
Hopefully, this will be the end of these two fighting each other though, at least for a while. Their matches against each other have been fine but the overexposure has been diminishing the quality of matches these two titans can have. Obviously WWE wants to get back to this Orton-McIntyre rematch, but the way they have been going about it has left fans questioning creative’s decision making. The fact that WWE has downplayed the effectiveness of Orton’s punt kicks just to put McIntyre over as this cyborg is disappointing.
Let’s see if WWE continues to punish fans with repeats of matches next week on RAW.